Great Commission

As you are going, make disciples...

Apply the Good News to your daily life.

A No nonsense approach to church

Great Commitment

Our personal responsibility...

"Commitment transforms the promise into reality..."

Great Church

Does Christ's Church Have a Mission?

Does Christ's Mission Have a Church?


Let Pastor Jerry help grow your faith.

Growing your faith in the Lord is rewarding when you have a faithful Shepherd. Our congregation is lead by Pastor Jerry Cross, who is the founding Pastor of

StraightForward Church. We invite you to join with us for a "no nonsense" approach to church. Everyone is welcomed to attend!

Great Commandment

Love God, Love Others...

"God's commandments are an expression of His divine nature - LOVE..."

​​​​Come home to the love of the Lord.

Our faith community gladly welcomes you!

"Come to Worship - Depart to Serve!"

Sunday Worship @ 10:00 AM

Sunday Services Have Resumed... Online Service Continues

141 Old Atlanta Highway, Newnan, GA 30263 (@ Avery Park)

Sunday Services @ 10:00 AM - Broadcast Weekly on Facebook Live

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